Repairing the 6 Chakras & Chakra System

Why are the 6 Chakras so important to your health & wellbeing?

The Chakras are essential & complex energetic centers for bringing energy & consciousness into the system. The major Chakras in the body sit in a vertical line along the spine. Seen from the side they look like 2 funnels of spinning light with their points connected in the spine. Each Chakra has its own specific function receiving energy into the system as a whole & nurturing the nearby organs.
The health of an individual Chakra depends on the strength of the general energy system, harmony in the Chakra system itself & how much stress is being placed on it by the issues & lifestyle being expressed through it.

Clear & optimize the Root Chakra (1st Chakra)

The 1st Chakra is also known as the Root Chakra. It is the densest Chakra & is involved with every aspect of your physicality, including your vitality, the survival of the physical body & regulation of the Kundalini energy. Impeded energy & deep emotional issues in the Root Chakra may manifest as problems in the pelvis, legs, kidneys (adrenal glands), bladder, the base of the skull, all while lowering your level of vitality.
Our many survival issues, fears & insecurities originate from here & because our sexuality is a survival issue the root of sexuality is located here.

Clear & optimize the 2nd Chakra

The 2nd Chakra provides the support & nourishment for our emotional bonds. Matters associated with all our personal relationships, internal & external are connected to the healthy function of this Chakra. Loneliness, Lack, Intimacy, Grief, Desire, Loss , Emotional Love, Connection & Money provide a flavor of the many complex issues related to the function of this Chakra. Disharmony here may impact the Lungs, Digestive System, Pelvis (Lymphatic System), Legs & Bladder. An accumulation of unresolved Grief, Resentment & Self Pity here can create the emotional backdrop that generates the optimal conditions for cancer.

Clear & optimize the 3rd Chakra

The location for the 3rd Chakra is interrelated with the Solar Plexus & the Solar Plexus is a substantial focal area for very significant nerve systems. Splanchnic Nerves – Sensory fibers for noticing feelings & pain
Vagus Nerve
– Regulates critical aspects of our physiology
Celiac Ganglia - Responsible for innervating the digestive system
Not surprisingly then that impediment in the 3rd Chakra can cause issues in the heart & the organs associated with digestion, also kidneys & liver. Personal power & status, control issues, anger, resentment, self-protection, hating and worrying, frustration and depression have relationship with the 3rd Chakra.
A robust 3rd Chakra helps us cope with the challenges that arise in life, manage stress & have clarity of mind.

Clear & optimize the 4th Chakra

Named the Heart Chakra it resonates with our sense of openness, living life wholeheartedly & with love. 
Divine love shows up here & combined with some of the positive attributes from the lower Chakras our compassionate nature arises. Our emotions, identities & personal issues surface & appear to progress from this localized energy center. You can experience anger & fear as well as love & joy here.
A strong healthy Heart Chakra will support and nourish the wellbeing of the heart & lungs.

Clear & optimize the 5th Chakra

The 5th Chakra is sometimes called the throat Chakra. It is not only significant in terms of our ability to  communicate with clarity but also connected to the expression of our creative nature.  Creative ideas expressed by language can often get blocked or suppressed. Keeping this Chakra open & energized is important  for the relationships we have with others particularly when it comes to listening and hearing others. In this way it supports our sense of connectedness to the rest of humanity.

Clear & optimize the 6th Chakra

Commonly associated with the third eye because of its location between the eyebrows. But the third eye and the 6th Chakra are different energetic formations although related by the terms of their historical associations. For instance the 6th Chakra is associated both with issues effecting the eyes & the avoidance of not seeing the ‘stuff’ that we find hurtful. Psychic perceptions are more a function of the third eye which has a close relationship to the pituitary gland.