Virtual Distant Healings that support the release of emotional issues

Emotional issues keep us stuck & preoccupied. They often dominate our lives to the detriment of our physical, mental & spiritual health.
Deeply embedded in human consciousness, emotional issues are the root cause of inner conflict & distress.


Abandonment is the disturbing experience of neglect, loss or disregard by someone or something.
The direct experience of abandonment particularly as a child can have a lasting effect on maintaining healthy relationships.
Often it is at the root of potent emotional issues, lack of self worth, anxiety, sadness & perhaps resentment.
So, as with all our emotional issues it is worthy of attention.

The focus of these 2 virtual group healings will be to release the negative impact of Abandonment

Part 1 : Sunday April 21st ~ 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. CT USA
Part 2 : Sunday April 28th ~ 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. CT USA

Part 1 : Sunday May 5th ~ 5:30 to 6:45 p.m GMT
Part 2 : Sunday May 12th ~ 5:30 to 6:45 p.m GMT


Fees : Total for parts 1 & 2 ~ $85.00 USA and £68.00 Europe

Past Topics from The Relationship Series


The experience of past emotional shocks during stressful events will continue to impact consciousness, energy systems, organ function, energetic strength & vitality. As time passes we forget the impact of traumatic experiences as they accumulate through a lifetime.
Birth, abuse, physical injury, surgery, accident, loss of a loved one, the list is often long & emotional painful.

Self Worth

Each of us have experienced the burden of not being enough & the consequences of feeling unworthy can be far reaching.
As with all our emmotional issues actions & behaviour patterns arise.Our personal pain & distress create internal & external conflict.
Positive loving relationships to life, ourselves & others are reduced by our emotional pain.


Being or feeling Stuck has a wide variety of ways that it shows up & interferes in our lives.
My sense is that feeling stuck in life leaves us with many elements of frustration.
We search for but are unable to find solutions to being stuck, all the while recognizing our deep need for change.


The burden of feeling shame from some past occurrence is uncomfortable, in some cases overwhelming. Often our relationship to shame manifests as a loss of self esteem, regret, inadequacy & guilt. For this healing you are invited to sit with an issue of shame that you'd like to bring a resolution to. The intention will be to replace the disharmony with wholeness, love & respect for ourselves.


There are many attributes at the root of feeling unsafe in the world.
Anxiety, insecurity & uncertainty figure quite prominently & could be regarded as emotional issues in & of themselves.
If we look back at the evolution of human experience the need to feel safe accompanies the need to survive.

Those who know the Self are always compassionate. They wish to see society thrive in peace and harmony. 
Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfilment of life. 
If we dive deep enough into ourselves, we will find that the one thread of universal love ties all beings together. 
As this awareness dawns within us, peace alone will reign.
~ Amma ~